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    Our Kids’ New Year’s Resolutions: Tutor, Tutor, Tutor

    As adults, we always make a New Year’s resolution.  We need to eat healthier, lose weight, spend more time with the kids, take a vacation, or to just drink a hot cup of coffee.  Whatever your New Year’s resolution is, we do our best to succeed.  However, when it comes to these resolutions, we often fail.

    New Year's Resolutions

    We forget that our children also make New Year’s resolutions.  At Think Tutoring, I have been hearing our students say, “I want to learn more; I want to get an A in math.”  It is so fulfilling to hear.  However, it is our job as parents and teachers to help fulfill these amazing New Year’s goals.  We don’t want to see our kids fail.  In fact, at Think Tutoring, we want to see them succeed: to boost their confidence and master new skills.

    According to Parents Magazine, for kids, the top New Year’s Resolution (number 1) is to learn new things.  The article mentions a kindergartener who wants to learn new sight words.  It is amazing to hear that a kindergartener has this passion and will to read.  The number two New Year’s resolution is to improve education.  One of students at Think Tutoring even stated, “I want to be success points champion and get my name on the Success Points Hall of Fame.”  In order to do this, our students need to put in great effort, work cooperatively, and get consistent A’s and B’s on their work.  This is truly an amazing goal.

    If you want your child to succeed in his New Year’s resolution, make sure to call Think Tutoring at 973-593-0050 for an assessment.  You can also email us at

    We can pinpoint your student’s weaknesses in math, reading, language arts and writing.  We can then turn their weaknesses into strengths and he will be on the path to accomplishing his New Year’s resolution.  

    Think Tutoring Hall of Fame

    Good Luck on your New Year's Resolution!!!

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